Horses and Equestrian Spirits: Grant and Longstreet Revisited (see
news review)
Nicholas E. Hollis, Nov 26, 2011 |
$10.00 |
of Jennings Peregrinations: The Infamous Jennings Brothers of Early
Colonial America
Nicholas E. Hollis, Dec 12, 2011 |
$10.00 |
Grant and Longstreet: 1839-1904 Their
Friendship in American History
Nicholas E. Hollis,
November 4, 2011 |
$10.00 |
Kentucky's Forgotten Heroes: Profiles and Lessons from an American
Experience, 1771-1831, Nicholas E. Hollis, May 28,
2005 (Lancaster, Kentucky) |
$10.00 |
Tracing Jennings Lore: Profiles and Lessons from an American Experience,
Nicholas E. Hollis, April 25, 2004, (West Brookfield,
Massachusetts) |
$15.00 |
Ethics and Agribusiness in an Era of Terrorism, Nicholas E.
Hollis, March 15, 2004, University of Newcastle, (Newcastle-on-Tyne,
United Kingdom) |
$10.00 |
to Plowshares: Rural Origins of William Jennings Bryan - An Unheralded
Secretary of State, 1913-15, Nicholas E. Hollis, April 9,
2002 (Washington, D.C.) Adapted from a lecture to State
Department Historians' Roundtable |
$10.00 |
Awakening Lithuania's Strategic Agro-Food System: The Case for the
Lithuanian Agribusiness Association", Nicholas E. Hollis, May 9,
2002 (Vilnius, Lithuania) |
$10.00 |
and the Search for the New Food Security," by Nicholas E. Hollis,
National Advisory Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development,
Krakow, Poland (November 2001) - Adapted from presentation to
Warsaw School of Economics Conference on "Ethics 2 Business: Not
By Law Alone" |
$10.00 |
and Randolph: Politics, Honor and Election 2000," by Nicholas E.
Hollis, Salem Chamber of Commerce (WV), (September 12, 2000)
$10.00 |
"Globalization in
Agribusiness: Competitive Challenges in the 1990s and Beyond,"
(February 1996). |
$15.00 |
"A Report and Documents from
Nongovernmental Forum,"
World Food Summit: Rome, Italy (November 1996). |
$5.00 |
"Awakening Poland's Sleeping
Giant: New Ag Organization and the Case for the Polish Agribusiness Association,"
Polish Agribusiness Association: Miedzeszyn (February 1997). |
"Archer Daniels Midland: A Case
Study of Corruption in the Ag/Food Sector," Economic Crime Summit: St.
Louis, Missouri (April 1998). |
$10.00 |
"Agribusiness and BioEnergy: A
Case Study of Dysfunctional Partnerships and Anti-Competitive Behavior,"
BioEnergy '98: Madison, Wisconsin (October 1998). |
$10.00 |
"The Role of Agribusiness
Organizations in Progressive Consensus-Building and Lobbying," Polish
Agribusiness Association: Bydgoszcz (November 1998). |
$10.00 |
"Vision and
Legacy," by Nicholas E. Hollis. A summary of a larger
document describing Jennings Randolph's international legacy (June
1999). |
$10.00 |
"Testimony on Wilderness
Battlefield Legislation (HR 1665)," House Subcommittee on National Parks and
Public Lands U.S. House of Representatives: Washington, DC (July 1999). |
$8.00 |
"General James Longstreet in the
Wilderness: Ghosts in the Darkness and Living History," Longstreet Society:
Fredericksburg, Virginia (October 1999). |
$10.00 |
"Jennings Randolph and The Search
for Peacekeeping in the 20th Century," Shepherd College: Shepherdstown, WV
(November 1999). |
$12.00 |
"Jackson, Longstreet and Randolph:
Sons of Appalachia in Living History," Stonewall Jackson Civil War
Roundtable: Bridgeport, West Virginia (March 2000). |
$10.00 |
"James Longstreet:
A Profile in American Courage," by Nicholas E. Hollis, Mahoning
Valley Civil War Round Table, Youngstown, Ohio (October 2000). |
$10.00 |
"James Wormley and the Wormley
Hotel: Intersection with Destiny," Nicholas E. Hollis, American Bar Association,
Washington, DC (February 26, 2001). |
$5.00 |
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