Heritage Preservation Committee Formation Project

Yes! I would like to support the Heritage Preservation Committee (HPC) 
aimed at preserving and strengthening awareness of agriculture's 
contribution to America's history, leaders and values for
a more secure and equitable agro-food system.


Name _________________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________

City/State/Zip ___________________________________________________

Telephone _______________Fax ______________ E-mail  ______________


Enclosed is my contribution of:

$50 $100 $100 $500 Other _____

Donations/subscriptions to the Heritage Preservation Committee (HPC)
are tax-deductible under IRS Code 501(c)(3) with checks payable to:

The Agribusiness Council - HPC

P.O. Box 5565

Washington DC 20016


The Agribusiness Council is a nonprofit organization active in the formation of recognition programs aimed at leadership education and character development.

Thank You!

  "Leadership Education and Character Development through Historical Scholarship"

Heritage Preservation Committee
