The Agribusiness Council (ABC) is a
private, nonprofit/tax-exempt, membership organization dedicated to
strengthening U.S. agro-industrial competitiveness through programs which
highlight international trade and development potentials as well as broad
issues which encompass several individual agribusiness sectors and require
a "food systems" approach. Examples of such issues are commercialization
of new technology/crops, environmental impacts, human resource
development, trade and investment policy, natural resource management, and
rural development.
The Need U.S.
agriculture is represented by state and local agribusiness associations,
national farmer and cooperative organizations, and trade/commodity groups,
but The Agribusiness Council is the only national private sector group
positioned to embrace U.S. agriculture and its allied industries --
whether in sponsoring trade missions, or representing concerns to
As an agribusiness
association, The Agribusiness Council provides access to a
communications network encompassing small and medium-sized agribusiness
companies, university/research institutions, other nonprofit
organizations, as well as public sector agencies. It represents a unique
neutral "umbrella" under which the entire range of U.S. agro-industry
players can come together for constructive, informal dialogue and action
within the vast arena of intricate agricultural business, education and
policy issues.
As an organization with international linkages,
The Agribusiness Council seeks to strengthen the U.S. agricultural
sector's international outreach through stimulating private enterprise
trade and investment solutions in Third World agro-industrial development
- and fostering heightened public awareness of agriculture's vital
importance in national and global economic health.
History Initiated
under Federal government auspices by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1967,
The Agribusiness Council was formed by a group of business, academic,
foundation and government leaders in order to facilitate American
agribusiness participation in agricultural trade and development programs
with developing countries - and represent private-sector agriculture
interests to Federal government decision-makers.
Both "pro" and "con" viewpoints were heard at ABC's conference in
Washington DC, co-sponsored with the American Foreign Service
Activities The
Council's major means of achieving its objectives include:
- Evaluation of investment climate and growth
sectors for private agro-enterprise in emerging country
- Analysis of basic sectoral investment
opportunities and limitations;
- Identification of specific agribusiness
needs and opportunities for members/subscribers;
- Organization and implementation of
agribusiness trade and development missions;
- Facilitation and encouragement of U.S.
agribusiness participation in international agriculture forums and
national networking activities;
- Communication of private sector concerns to
U.S. government policymakers;
- Establishment and maintenance of
international agribusiness contact and information database; and
- Coordination of international agribusiness
management education/training.
- Identification of individuals and issues
contributing to the nation's history in an effort to preserve the
nation's agricultural heritage
Scope of
Activities Recent activities of The Agribusiness Council
have targeted Eastern Europe, The Baltic States, the Caribbean, Indonesia,
India, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, East Africa, Egypt and the Middle East.
Many other countries have registered their desire to establish more
relationships with companies and other elements of the U.S. agricultural
complex - and the Council activities will be expanded accordingly.
State and Regional
Coordination In order to enhance Council responsiveness
to local/regional U.S. agro-industry (especially small and medium-sized
agribusiness, and farmers) and to effectively facilitate the transfer of
information from the national and international levels, the Council is
informally linked to a growing number of state/regional agribusiness
council groups around the country. Commonalities and complementarities
between emerging country and state/regional expertise and capabilities can
also be more readily identified (see State ABC
Management The
Agribusiness Council (ABC) is guided by a board of directors, a Washington
advisory committee, and a small Washington-based staff headed by president
and chief executive officer, Nicholas E. Hollis. Financial support is
derived primarily from the membership, subscription and program fees of
private companies, foundations, universities, and individuals committed to
the international expansion of U.S. agricultural markets and more
effective policy coordination.
AGRIBUSINESS ASSOCIATION -- Nick Hollis speaks before a Polish farmer
group at Minikowo, one of fifteen workshops which led to the
creation of the Polish counterpart association.
Linkages To strengthen its international outreach, The
Agribusiness Council in 1987 partnered with the Agri-Energy
Roundtable - a multilateral organization accredited by the United
Nations to strengthen the cooperative ties between Third World and
industrialized nations in the areas of agriculture and energy-related
trade and development programs. Through the Roundtable's worldwide
"association" network, regional programming, and annual meeting - The
International Agricultural Forum, members are able to exchange ideas with
a wide array of corporate executives, government and international donor
agency officials, as well as access the Roundtable's international
membership body.
Challenge for U.S.
Agribusiness As the world's largest and most efficient
supplier of agro-food products, the United States faces fierce competition
from an ever-increasing number of world "breadbaskets." Maintaining U.S.
agribusiness global leadership requires a forum capable of embracing our
nation's agricultural constituents; and a mechanism for action on broad,
complex issues requiring multi-sectoral coordination and representation at
the highest national and international levels.
If you have an interest in strengthening U.S.
agro-industrial competitiveness, while enhancing your own business
outreach and contact base, and are involved in any segment of our nation's
vast agro-industrial complex, then you are eligible for Council
membership. By joining The Agribusiness Council, you can have an immediate
impact on its program and policy direction. Interested members are
encouraged to sere on one of the Council's committees or task forces,
and/or to nominate a representative to the Board.

Courtesy of V. Kuprys
-- President Adamkus discusses Baltic affairs and related
agro-environmental concerns with Nick Hollis during Washington visit
in early September. ABC is providing technical assistance for the
establishment of a Lithuanian counterpart association as part of a
bilateral protocol signed in May 2000.

EURASIAN WORKSHOP 2015 -- Nicholas Hollis presents overview of U.S.
heartland topics at Washington seminar for visiting agribusiness
executives from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakstan, and other Eurasian

TRAINING SEMINAR -- ABC president Nicholas Hollis (back row, second
from left) joins with Eurasian delegates. ABC often meets with
multicultural and counterpart groups to describe "agribusiness
council" concept and ongoing projects.
* The Council defines "agribusiness" as a
broad term encompassing all aspects of agricultural production, processing
and distribution. This includes food, forest and fiber production, their
byproduct utilization, agricultural chemicals and pharmaceuticals,
agricultural finance and trade, agribusiness/farm management,
agro-environmental considerations, and land development; in short, all of
the major elements essential to the establishment and operation of
efficient agro-food enterprises. (click here to
 The Agribusiness Council, Inc. P.O. Box 5565 Washington DC 20016
(202) 296-4563
DISCLAIMER: The Agribusiness Council (ABC) website is
provided as a service to members, supporters, subscribers, and interested
visitors. The Council recognizes the value and potential of publishing and
sharing information on the Internet. However, the presence of a page or
link is not an ABC endorsement of its content, accuracy, timeliness, or
value. The views and opinions expressed in the pages and links are
strictly those of the page authors, and The Council accepts no
responsibility for such contents. Information on programs and association
schedules may change without notice. The Council reserves the right to
modify the texts of these programs and schedules. Comments on the
contents of these pages should be directed to page authors, or their
respective association addresses. ©2000-2021, The Agribusiness Council,
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The Agribusiness Council